It has been a whirlwind of activity at Jane Guerin, flowers! Weddings, weddings and more weddings, parties, fund raisers, baby showers, physician office openings, and planning for Christmas events and weddings! Yikes!! But I am loving it all. However, don't think that some nights at 11 pm or so, I haven't asked, should I do so many weddings, when can I follow up with photographers for pictures, when can I blog, where can I find an apprentice that loves this work and GETS me, when can I redo my web site, etc. Thankfully, I have a business manager so now the bills get paid on time!!!
Oh well, I just wanted to direct you to my Jane Guerin, flowers FB page so you can check out some of the new photos.
I did have a little bit of a break on Saturday, Nov.2 to attend the UVA vs Clemson game. My oldest son graduated from UVA and my youngest son graduated from Clemson. This game is tough for me. I wear something orange and I clap for every good play of the game by BOTH teams.
Check out our tailgate and our get together after the game at my son and daughter-in-law's house to celebrate our youngest son Hunter's Halloween birthday! That cake/pie was chocolate and peanut butter....imagine a Reese's peanut butter cup on steroids!!!!!

Hunter's nickname is Huntbe! Our baby sitter created that nickname when Hunter was very young!
Now, off to start cooking and decorating for Thanksgiving while getting ready for December weddings and writing proposals for 2014 weddings!! I am THANKFUL!