We are Expanding our Space and our Minds

Yay! Finally, after considering renting the space next door (which is actually connected by a door in the shared wall) we did it. We will now occupy the entire ground floor of 802 Princess Anne Street. With the growth of the business and the addition of free lance designers, we found that at times we were literally falling over each other. This is not good, especially when you are working on a deadline. It totally affects efficiency and can affect nerves at times! Yikes! (Especially if your husband is helping FOR FREE!)
The work space will remain the same. The new space will offer a dedicated space for meetings and consultations. I am so excited! Now I don't have to have meetings at my beautiful Elegant Earth classic garden table (I love concrete garden furniture and elements in the house.) next to 35 buckets ready to receive flowers, or trash cans full of clippings, or vases stacked on the floor......etc. Did I say this? I am so excited.
So, what do I mean about expanding our minds? Just yesterday I had a conversation with a colleague in this wedding business about age and relating to young brides. He is not the first person to question his or her ability to relate to young brides as the years add on. I've seen this discussion posted in blogs of some really well known floral designers who have been in this business for a while. Believe me, their work is still relevant!!!!!!
I would be lying if I said I've never worried or thought about this, but I truly do not believe this is an issue. A really, really, really successful designer in Silicon Valley once said, "Age doesn't matter - an open mind does." That is so true! Think about all the great talented people in this world. What made them great? They kept an open mind their whole lives. I think I will...I know I will.....that's just who I am.
Here is a picture (forgive me, not a great angle) of the bouquet that I designed yesterday with a completely open mind. As my flower muse always says after making a bouquet, "I would carry that!"
Reader Comments (2)
i would carry that bouquet!
i think you are already a very open mind to new designs and ideas. not sure if i can duck into the younger brides bucket but when we were working together your enthusiasm and interest in my ideas and then your contributions generated the most gorgeous of bouquets. you know this already. ;-)
very excited for your expansion! congratulations!
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