I had the honor and priviledge of attending a floral design workshop at the National Cathdral in Washington, DC this last Tuesday and Thursday. I signed up for it to learn more about mechanics and designs to use at St. George's Episcopal Church where I am a member and the Co-chair of the Flower Guild. (The other co-chair does all the hard work of keeping us organized and scheduling all the activities for which the Flower Guild is needed. I just help with the designs for major holidays, come up with the recipes, and place the order for the flowers. That is the easy work, and I love it, too.
At the workshop entitled Designing for Holy Spaces, I did indeed learn about mechanics, and I saw fabulous designs demonstrated, which I would love to share with our Flower Guild so that we might replicate some of those, but the experience was indescribable. Let me try to share some of that experience. First, the architecture of the Cathedral is as gorgeous as any Cathedral I have visited in Europe. The stained glass windows in the Chapel where we worked, were so beautiful that looking at them took me to another place. When we started the workshop on Tuesday, the choir began to practice next to us. (My husband is a choir member, so I have a huge appreciation for the time, talent, and passion of choir members. I do, however, listen to a lot of the bass parts...Hmmmm!) It was surreal!
However, let me tell you the highlight of this experience. It was the talent and spirit of Linda Roeckelein, the head of the National Cathedral Flower Guild and the members of the Guild who designed, prepared the flowers for us, advised us, swept up after us, and welcomed us into their space. Oh, to have the combined knowledge and talent of these beautiful women......one can dream can't one? One thing I do know is that I'll continue my education about this art form, and I will continue to practice, practice, practice! Anyone wishing to be a better floral designer should do just that PRACTICE!
Finally, to top off the experience, the Dean's wife invited us into their beautiful and historic home for a lovely lunch. It was delicious and offered a great opportunity to get to know some of my fellow classmates! This was one week for the books!!!!!
The following pictures are iPhone pictures, but I hope you can get a feel for the beauty of each design!
Isn't this architecture gorgeous?!
LLinda creating a beautiful Thanksgiving arrangement with dried material!!
A gorgeous garland by Georgia! This picture does not do it justice. It was a work of art! As I said, I could just eat it!
Absolutely, one of my favorite arrangements done by Betsy from no other place, but Birmingham, my home for 30 years! We all agree, there is a style that can be claimed by Birmingham. I remember when I first started arranging flowers in Birmingham, I asked about that style and was told that all the women who were wonderful floral designers, were trained by Sheila McQueen! I think she even came to Birmingham to train this group. I know some went to her school in England. That's how I learned in the beginning of my serious efforts to design floral arrangements.
A beautiful garden design created by Fredericksburg's own talented Marion Zimmermann. I have had the pleasure of working along side Marion, and I cannot tell you the wealth of knowledge she has and so generously shares. She may not realize it, but she has been a wonderful mentor to me. (Thank you Jerry for getting the bark out of the trash! We appreciated your effort!!!)( We must praise our husbands you know!!!! We probably couldn't do it without them! Well, let's say it would be harder.)
Divine design by Sue!
Unbelievable design by Louise!!!!
Thank you Linda and all the volunteers for the magnificent work that you do and for a fabulous workshop that touched me on many, many levels.