Winter Wonderland Wedding

The wedding was originally scheduled for November, but the Army decided to keep the groom in Afghanistan a little longer than planned. The date was changed to January. So, Brittany and I went into planning mode to change the color palette from November tangerines to white and "sparkley" for a January "winter wonderland" theme. After the initial shock of having to redo everything, we all got excited about the new look....white-white, winter-white, silver and little white lights in curly willow branches that were sprayed white. It was a beautiful wedding, and the bride's sister met with me the following Monday, to plan her upcoming August wedding. The mother of these two girls, is just as excited about the next daughter's wedding as she was about Brittany's wedding. She is a dream....they are all a dream to work with and to know! Oh, and it didn't matter that the high on Jan. 7 was about 67 degrees or so. It was a lovely all white wedding and love abounded!
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