The Doggies in My Life
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 11:09AM

I have 2 wonderful doggies in my life! One is my 5 lb. Yorkie named Chloe. The other is my son and daughter-in-law's 100 lb. white Lab, Sawyer.  They both make me so happy!!!

Chloe is my baby and sidekick. She is right by my side when I'm making wedding flowers! (She has a wicker basket and afghan in the shop and gets lots of sleeping done.) She will come and jump on my leg when she gets sick of being in that bed, and we'll go out for a little break. I have to keep the door locked because if someone comes in, she goes into protector mode. Yikes! Not good for business!!!! (She only does this if I'm in the shop - never when it's with my husband or anyone else in the shop while I'm out at a meeting or running errands.)

Sawyer is the happiest, sweetest, smartest dog you'll ever meet. He has a bark that would scare any boogieman away, but he is sweeter than sweet! He loves to dive off the dock into the lake when he comes to visit! Chloe hates the lake, and she just stands at waters edge and barks her head off at Sawyer the entire time. I think she is worried about him. She just can't believe anyone would want to go into the water, ever!!!!

They are truly like mutt and jeff, but they love each other to pieces!

Article originally appeared on Jane Guerin, Flowers (
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